Tuesday, August 09, 2005


So rehearsals have been moving along very well. The new cast members have picked everything up with no hesitation what so ever. Not only have they picked it up but they have retained the information and keep moving forward which is awesome. Our last day in the studio was on Sunday. Moving into the arena on Monday the new cast members were faced with the challenge of transefering everything they had learned onto the actual stage. Once again they pulled it off without a hitch. Performace director Rebecca Shubart has been amazing through the entire process. Watching these performers in action has been a wonderful experience. Finally I am starting to get back into the swing of things as I am slowly being put back into the show as both Oscar the Grouch and Professor Art. We open in just a little over a week and the cast and crew are kicking a*s! I have no doubt we will be ready. And then its farewell Rochester,MN!!!!


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