Sunday, December 18, 2005

Secret Santa...

So last night we had our company holiday party. We exhanged our secret santa gifts, did a white elephant gift exchange, had an award ceremony and some people did some skits and/or and Emily Turay were Jo and Arlene the "Minnesota Twins". Pictures are soon to be posted from that!

My secret santa was awesome! for my last gift she got me on DVD "The Rose" and "The Sweetest Thing" ... I love these movies! And then she got me that new book "A million pieces" that I have been wanting to get really bad! AND she got me some blank CD's...she was awesome! Thank you Cyndi. The person I had knew it was me....he said it was the 9 pack of beer that I gave him that tipped it off....I was thirsty, and anyway, I replaced the missing beers with a 40.

For the awards ceremony I was only nominated in one catagory......."drama queen". I know I'm intense and all but seriously? Ah well, I didn't win. The girl that plays Elmo....Mandy, she won. And when asked to make a speech she was like ..." I didnt know I was a drama queen". I heard later she cried about and as she was crying said "I just dont understand where they are getting that from" Um, could it be the fact that you are crying RIGHT NOW about something that is completly all in fun. She doesn't get it. I'm just glad she didnt come to me to cry because I would have been honest. And I was a little annoyed that the person she did go to wasn't honest about it to her.

Oh, I also got really drunk and told this girl that she was spoiled. She was pissed about that today. I guess she wouldnt have been that mad but she says I told her that like 3 times. I only remember the one time but honestly...I was drunk. sorry,honesty's a bitch!

Have you ever had anyone come to you and break down about something ridiculous and you held back the truth? Come now, be honest. Ha!


At 6:38 PM, Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

I don't normally hold back. If you ask for my opinion on something, I give it.

At 8:14 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Oooh, I can't wait for you to read A Million Little Pieces - it is SO good.

I hold back about 90% of the time, no joke, but I think I know an outrageously large number of unstable people.


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