Sunday, June 11, 2006

greased up men and watered down drinks...

Um...I found this picture on my roomies computer when I was looking for some pictures from the show.

I had to post it because, well, I think its really funny.

First off, this must have been a very long time ago cuz I can't remember when it was taken or where we were. Part of me wants to say Providence, RI. maybe?

The funny part is my face and my complete lack of ineterest in the stripper. I dont really care for strippers, i think they are kind of dirty and they make me uncomfortable. There, I said it. But more power to them for making a living!

"Sisters are doing it for themselves!"

Do you like strippers?


At 8:30 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Sort of. Good strippers are great. Bad strippers are awful.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Casey said...

Umm, yah, I do.

And bad strippers are fun to laugh at, and therefore are still enjoyable!


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