Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Me, bulgarians and early mornings...

For those of you that dont know, the people that tour with us and sell merchandise are referred to as the "colins" people. Why Colins? Simply-it's the name of the company. They have 7 people that travel with us and rape the good ole parents of their hard earned dollars, seriously, an Elmo balloon is $8 and they cost roughly .50 cents to make.

In this group of 7 their is one american, Jason. And then there is Kurry, Tania, Vania, Ivan, Ivan and Mario, all bulgarian. Now, I havent had much time to spend with these fine folk but I do know that they love shopping, eating, smoking and drinking.

See, I have this "thing" with foreigners, its not them....its me. seriously, I tense up around people that speak broken english because I spend a lot of time saying "What?"......"What?" over and over and over and I feel horrible making people repeat themselves. Even with the bus boys I would work with in Chicago that were way overworked and way underpaid....I couldnt understand them, my hearing sucks.

But this morning I was waiting for some people to come downstairs so I could drive them to the train to go into the city and Ivan #2 came up to my car window...I didnt roll it down at first because of my fear of misunderstanding. When I finally did roll down the window the conversation was breif and I didnt have to say "What?" once.

I'm kinda sad because I really adore this group of people, in the small times I have hung out with them I can remember we have done a lot of laughing. But I'm so intimidated by my fear of asking them to repeat themselves I have shyed away from hanging out with them more. Lesson learned...dont be scared of the bulgarians, they probably dont understand what I'm saying half of the time.

do you understand what I'm saying?


At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Completely... never in my million years in working at the OG... did I think that I would not understand the people that I work with... I have a hard time with the cooks and the bussers!
It is intimidating.. but also exciting to try to learn THEIR language... or at least something that will break that barrier...
- Boobs

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've actually heard that the balloons cost less than a quarter, so the profit margin on those puppies is HIGH! Also, did you know that they raise the prices on merch when the show goes to NYC and plays Madison Square Garden? Apparently the New Yorkers are ok with paying $10 for a program that costs audiences $7 in other parts of the country. Hmmm ... interesting food for thought.


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