Wednesday, October 26, 2005

In her shoes

My friend Charles came to visit me in North Carolina last week and we had a date night on Saturday night. It started with a movie. We went and saw "In Her Shoes". It was great from start to finish. Cameron Diaz (who in most things I can't stand) was great in the role of the younger sister who is kind of lost in life. Her character reminded me of myself at a certain time in my life and now reminds me of others i know who have simply not moved past that point....will they ever? Anyway, Toni Collette was brilliant! She always is. Has anyone seen Connie and Carla? I love this woman! She was the older , more responsible sibling. I love how she can be dumpy one minute and insanely foxy the next. Then there is Shirley MaClaine. I have to give this woman some major props. Some women her age in the biz just get hit with a touch of crazy by this point in their career and make really bad choices. Shirley is beautiful in this as the long lost detached grandmother.

Now I ask you, who loves to laugh and cry during the same movie? If thats you, check it out. If you have a sister...go see it with her. love you Sunshine!


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Chargenda said...

One time your sister, who I have never met, had a party and the police came. And I had to jump out of a window in your house.

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Dustin Harder said...

Charlie, I can't tell you how many times people have said that to me.

At 12:05 AM, Blogger Noland said...

i personally can only think of one time that i was at your house for a party or otherwise when the police didnt come.

At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really have nothing to say about "In Her Shoes", but I will just add a little comment and say Hey. I had kinda forgotten that you had a blog. Today is the first day I have checked it out and much to my shigrin, you have been very close to me lately me being in SC and all. Charlotte is about 1hour and 15 minutes away from me. And I have eaten at Zaxby's. It is delicious. The secret ingredient is flavor. Anyway, I promise to check your site a little more often. If you would like to keep up on the adventures of Adam N Pankow, I have included my blog spot for you to peruse at your leisure. Hope you are well.

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the movie a lot. Toni Collette is a national treasure and she is not even from this country. Ride the bus with your sister and get to the movie.


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