Saturday, November 26, 2005

Big Bird in Quarentine

Awww...our beloved Big Bird is in Quarentine in Trinidad. Not the big bird from my show but I have some friends on the "Out of this world" tour and when going through customs the costume for Big Bird was put in Quarentine. According to my company this costume is the most expensive costume that we make, and our home office "costumes and creatures" makes some crazy shit. During the inspection process a feather was plucked from Big Bird and set fire to see if it was real...his feathers are indeed real. Now Big Bird awaits being set free until they can get official clearence from the quarentine department. Poor guy. On the up side the cast might get some days off if Big Bird doesnt get out of quarentine soon!


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Casey said...

So I'm guessing they think he might carry the bird flu? which is funny cause it's not a real bird - nor it is actually ALIVE! But, another funny though ... the "sneeze" scene at the end of the show where Big Bird and all his friends SNEEZE the Martians back home. Cover your mouth Big Papa!

At 9:33 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Dustin, this is hilarious. Seriously, you need to get ahold of some news groups and tell them about this and make some big bucks, because this is a GREAT story!!!

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Chargenda said...

I can't believe they use real featers. crazy.


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