Friday, February 24, 2006

Losing my mind...

I lose things. I lose things often. Usually it's something small, occasionally something off value or importance. I hate losing things...It kinda drives me crazy. It's actually the only true test of me being able to control my anger. I used to lose things and fly off the handle. The other day though, I lost a shoe and remained calm the entire time. Inside my head was kind of screaming "WHERE THE F**K IS MY SHOE!?!?!" But I knew that to actually express that was simply of no use and would do no good to anyone. And I found my shoe. I used to rely on a guy named Paul to find things for me. I would lose things and seriously...he always knew where they were. I loved it, he is so good at it. I really wish I would have had him with me yesterday. See, I decided to finally break down and buy a digital camera. Nothing to fancy but a decent sized purchase right? I took it to work with me cuz I had a friend coming to the show and I wanted to get some pictures with him. Um....I lost the camera. Seriously, bought it yesterday afternoon and lost it last night. I'm a moron.

Lose anything of value lately?


At 6:35 AM, Blogger Casey said...

I lost my digital camera too! The one I got for X-mas. I lost in Minneapolis right after I thought I lost my passport. Hmm, we should go camera shopping together!

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Chargenda said...

My respect for you...

At 10:37 AM, Blogger paultoes said...

damn, i was good at knowing where all your shit was. i forgot about that. and then it was my fault you lost your shoe the other day. go figure. well, you know how my short term memory is these days...

At 11:33 AM, Blogger amanda said...

Dustin -
I'm filling my life-long role as spellchecker for you. When you want something to be less tight, that's "loose." When you can't find something, that's "lose." You can remember it because there's only one O in "lost" and "losing," which you DID spell correctly.
And I'm so glad you FOUND your camera, too!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger paultoes said...

amanda, i wasn't gonna tell him. thankyou for doing so.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Dustin Harder said...

i'm such an idiot. i knew something was wrong and with spell check it didn't woirk cuz loose ias still spelled tragic.

At 4:46 PM, Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

Amanda has been really fiesty lately. Do you remember the day your lost your temper with me during Oliver!? That was really funny.

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Dustin Harder said... scott...i'm trying to block all that anger stuff out from the past, trying to move on wasnt pretty.

At 8:09 PM, Blogger amanda said...

I think I remember when Dustin was annoyed with me and Paul because we were laughing during an Oliver rehearsal... remember, Paul? It's SHOWTIME!

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Dustin Harder said...

Amanda...I DO indeed remember being pissed at you both during an Oliver! rehearsal...I'm so happy I didn't loose my mind...i mean, lose my mind.


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