Monday, May 08, 2006

Reba in South Pacific

Last April Reba performed along with Lilias White, Alec Baldwin and Brian Stokes Mitchell in a one night only concert version of South Pacific at Carnegie Hall. It recently aired on PBS and just last week was released on CD and DVD.

I have always disliked "South Pacific" almost with a passion. but Reba was in it so of course I was gonna watch it. her acting was...."trite" (but I still love her) and you cant really blame her...Most of it was really good except for a couple scenes where she had to get all emotionary and stuff (made it up) and it just seemed kinda forced. Beyond that it was brilliant! She sang the shit out of everything! The only problem was at the end of the song "honey bun" when she sang the lyric "Save me some turkey" she had this faced that was like "I didnt mean to do that" and the note wasnt pretty....but she kept on truckin'.

does anyone else enjoy reba?


At 8:18 PM, Blogger paultoes said...

do i ever!
she was my first concert. in fact, i do believe i first saw her long before you ever did.
i win.

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Casey said...

Yah, she's cute. I thought about you a lot when I was in Vegas. Our hotel had "Dealertainers" - peole dressed up like celebrities dealing cards. The Reba was a mess. But, when I went to see La Cage, the Reba there was much better!

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Dustin Harder said... you didnt.

At 12:34 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Well, I did. I saw Reba when I was in the 7th grade, which means YOU were in the 4th grade... and I'm pretty sure we established that you first saw Reba about two years after I did.
Paul, were you at the same concert?

At 4:23 PM, Blogger paultoes said...

amanda, i do believe we must have been

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Dustin Harder said...

oh kids...the question wasnt who saw her before dustin. it was who else enjoys reba...thank you for playing.

At 8:31 PM, Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

I don't enjoy her too much. I don't hate her or anything, just never got into her. I just wanted to write this so I could answer your question unlike a certain Paul and Amanda.


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