Tuesday, April 04, 2006

other languages

okay okay...now I dont have a problem with other languages. It's just when I am trying to concentrate or talk on the phone or I'm just on the train or something and there are two ladies just going off in spanish or whatever it drives me crazy!!! It gives me a monster headache. In fact right now two ladies are behind me just going off in some other language....i dont even know what it is. AH! my head hurts. And they talk way louder than people speaking english and faster and with more punctuation on everything they say...I think they are just rubbing it in my face that I dont know what they are saying....seriously. Grrrr.

I also can't stand loud annoying boastful straight guys babbling about this or that-they sound like freaking morons...yes, a group of stupid men also stand behind me right now. I was looking for a picture along those lines to post with the foreign language pic but google just gave me tons of porn when I put in "annoying straight boys"...I got a bunch of "his first gay experience" pics. While hot....they wouldnt serve my purpose....at least not on this post.
What gets on your nerves?


At 10:32 AM, Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

I don't really think there are many people who talk faster then me when I'm excited, so I won't try and pretend that people speaking fast in a foreign language bothers me.

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Casey said...

See, I can't be mad at people speaking foreign languages because I DID THAT when I was in Japan and Holland. I was the stupid American speaking English.

I agree on the straight guys though. They are even worse with alcohol.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger amanda said...

I hate being harrassed at work. See, I have to change the letters on a big marquee, and to do that, I have to use a really long extendable pole.. so I'll get comments like "Girl, you know how to work that pole!" Yeah, drunk straight boys are the worst.


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