Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I have the day off of work today and I am just doing nothing in the business center of the hotel when I came across an article with an interview from Joe Bertucci in it . It was the last interview he did with the saginaw news or actually I think it was in the Review which is why it was ever printed. At the top was a picture of the cast and some crew from his last show "Working". I took this quote from the article, yet again, one of the reasons I love this man so much. And look at how young some of us are in that picture! you know who you are!

"I believe in Community Theater. I believe that all theater is worth saving. Each day, another theater closes its doors in this country due to lack of support. I believe that Community Theater is a place where groups of people from all walks of life come together and share, exchange ideas, and grow themselves and their communities."

"I don't believe that Community Theater is a club for a small group so a few people can indulge their friends and develop showcases. During my time at P&B I've cast 80 people in a variety of roles, many of them were onstage for the first time, but with patience, love and caring, we put on productions that gave us pride & satisfaction."

"It's about the process, and that's what all art is about - the process. You'll always have critics, people ready and willing to judge the final work, but unless you were involved in that process, you know nothing.That's Community Theater and that's what I want to ask this community to help save."
-Joseph Bertucci


At 9:32 AM, Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

You all look so young in that picture, it's adorable. How did you happen to find this article Dustin?

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Casey said...

Aww, that's awesome. Makes me wanna go do a show. Hopefully I will be when I go home! WOO HOO!

At 9:43 AM, Blogger amanda said...

Yay for Joe, and yay for me still having and still wearing that blue t-shirt.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger paultoes said...

damn, i look good.


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